Supervision - Part I [The Many Roles of Managers and Supervisors; Communication Skills; Fostering Trust; Motivation; Dealing with Difficult People; Resources and Reading.]
Essential Skills for Effective Supervisors and Managers
Part One of this comprehensive class contains a treasure chest of practical information for managers and supervisors. Communication, Trustworthiness, Motivation, Dealing with Difficult People, are among a multitude of topics addressed in a "street-smart" manner by an instructor who has assisted managers and supervisors throughout the nation.
You'll get advice on your role as a leader, Management By Wandering Around, listening skills, communication problems between departments, setting priorities with employees, encouraging openness, developing your employees, motivation and the concept of reward, inexpensive rewards, the Greatest Management Principle, the power of meaning, dealing with your boss and your peers (as well as with difficult employees), courage and coordination.
Imagine sitting down with a seasoned advisor and exploring the subjects you'll need to know in order to succeed. In Supervision - Part I, you'll find clear analysis, handy checklists, and savvy warnings. You'll find an extraordinary class which "gets to the point" by providing practical information which can be put to immediate use.
Michael Wade
What You Will Find Here
A Quick Technical Tip
It's a Jungle Out There
Elements of Communication
Management By Wandering Around
Listening Skills
Communication Problems between Departments
Setting Priorities with Employees
Some Special Communication Tools: SMEAC, 15-5 Reports, and Significant Action Reports
Test Your Knowledge
Encourage Openness
Develop Your Employees
The Concept of Reward
Inexpensive Rewards
The Greatest Management Principle?
The Power of Meaning
Difficult Employees
Dealing with Your Boss and Your Peers
A Word about Courage and Coordination
Test Your Knowledge
A Few Additional Thoughts
Helpful Blogs and Web Sites
Books on Leadership, Management, and Supervision